Internal Angle of Friction | Overview

In civil engineering, the internal angle of friction is an essential concept to understand when…

Provisional Sum | Construction Contracts

Provisional sum estimates have been used in the civil engineering industry since the 1930s, and…

Interim Payment Certificate | Overview

As a civil engineer, you understand the importance of ensuring that payments are received on…

Priority of Documents in Construction Contracts

Construction contracts are an important tool for civil engineers to secure the project and protect…

Taking Over Certificate | Handing over of Project

Taking over certificate is the document that is issued by the employer/client to the contractor…

As built drawings | What we need to Know

As-built drawings are an essential tool for civil engineers, providing an accurate physical representation of…

Extension of Time | How to Execute

In today's competitive construction industry, staying on top of deadlines and managing project timelines are…

Pre bid Meeting | Why it is Important

Pre-bid meeting is an essential part of the bidding process for civil engineering contracts. They…

Bid Opening | Important part of Bid Evaluation

Opening bids are an essential part of any civil engineering work. To ensure that projects…

Fatigue failure | What How to Overcome

Fatigue failure is a common issue faced by civil engineers. It occurs when a structural…

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