Buttressed Retaining Walls

A buttress is a structure that is constructed up against or juts out from a…

The Best Use of Sand in Construction

Sand is one of the most widely used construction materials in the world. When they…

Ultimate Guide to the Best Concrete Alternatives

Today we are looking for a concrete alternatives as we are much now concerned about…

Compressed Earth Block Engineering Aspects

One of the environmentally friendly building materials is a compressed earth block. It is sometimes…

Load Bearing Wall Structural Engineers Overview

A wall that supports both its weight and the vertical load produced by slabs, beams,…

One Way Slab Overview and Design Aspects

The one-way slab is a kind of slab type that comes under the slab classification.…

Soil Liquefaction and Engineering Perspective

The process known as soil liquefaction occurs when a block of soil suddenly behaves more…

Types of Timber and their Application

Timber is a term used to describe the softwood and hardwood trees that are cut…

Design of Pile Cap| Design of Single Pile Cap

The design of a single pile cap is discussed in the article. When it is…

Poisson Ratio of Concrete

The Poisson ratio of concrete is a very important parameter in stress and strain calculations.…

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