
Difference between One Way Slab and Two Way Slab

The difference between one way slab and two way slab is required to understand in…

Retaining Wall [ a detailed study]

Retaining wall types and their behavior is discussed in this article. Different classifications of retaining…

How to Select Concrete Grade [designer’s guide]

A structural engineer should be aware of answering the question of how to select concrete…

Beam Design

Beam design is a wide subject that covers a vast area in structural engineering design.…

Balanced, Over Reinforced and Under Reinforced

Depending on the strain of the section, categorization of the sections is done as a…

Carbonation of Concrete – In-depth Overview

Carbonation of concrete is a very important title to be aware of by civil engineers…

Reinforced Concrete – Useful Information

Reinforced concrete is a combination of concrete and reinforcements. There are different types of concrete…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete

This article discusses the Advantages and Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete. Reinforced concrete is the combination…

Tensile Strength of Concrete for Design

The tensile strength of concrete is a very important parameter that is considered in the…

Plate Girder

A plate girder is a steel beam that is widely used in bridge construction. Depending…

Types of Columns in Construction

Types of columns are mainly categorized based on the types of material to be used…

Types of Steel Beams

Different types of steel beams used to carry the loads from the structure to the…

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